We urgently need your kind and generous support during this Covid-19 lockdown period as all onsite programmes have been cancelled for your safety, we need your help to meet ongoing running cost for continual operation.
Many thanks for your monthly and ongoing donation and continual support. May you be blessed with health, peace and happiness.
We are a registered charity in England and Wales 1051590; funded only by devotees’ dakshina (donations), Hatha Yoga fees, programme fees, income from accommodations and seva.
All donations are greatly appreciated and would enable us to continue our service to all, irrespective of lifestyle, practice, caste, creed, colour, gender, age, religion or nationality.
Donations of £10,000 is urgently needed for the completion and running cost of the new renewable energy biomass project.
£25,000 is also urgently required for essential operational compliance issues. All these works are essential in order for us to continue operating in this building. Please support our cause and donate generously.
Donate Once
Donate Monthly
Gocardless Debit Cards charge of 1%+20p.
Direct debit is also used to collect one time payment. For more information please see Gocardless website
You may donate directly or set up a standing order with your bank:
UCYL Trust, Sortcode 40-46-07, Account Number: 8116 5038
Stretch your donations further by filling in a Gift Aid Declaration Form, every £10 you donate will enable us to claim a further £2.50 from HMRC at no extra cost to you if you are a UK tax payer. Please notify us if you did not pay enough tax for the year.
If you prefer to print, fill in and post a hardcopy of Gift Aid Declaration, you may click here or fill in the online declaration below.